Return & Refund Policy

Last Updated: 20 January 2023

At, we want our customers to be completely satisfied with their purchases. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your order, you may return the item(s) for a refund or exchange within 5 days of receiving them.

To be eligible for a return or exchange, the item(s) must be in their original condition and packaging, with all tags and labels still attached. Any item(s) that have been used or damaged will not be accepted for return or refund.

To initiate a return or exchange, please contact our customer service team at 0300 4000 907 and provide your order number and the reason for the return. We will provide you with instructions on how to return the item(s) and the address to which they should be shipped.

Once we receive the item(s), we will inspect them and process your refund or exchange within 14 working days. Refunds will be issued to the original payment method.

Please note that the customer is responsible for the cost of shipping the item(s) back to us. We also recommend using a trackable shipping service or purchasing shipping insurance as we cannot guarantee that we will receive your returned item(s).

If you received a damaged or defective item, please contact us immediately with video proof and we will send a replacement or process a refund as per our policy.

In case of any further queries or concerns, please feel free to reach out to our customer service team. We are always happy to help!